Workshops on New Danish Parenting (NDP)

Here you find information about three different online workshops on New Danish Parenting (NDP):

New Danish Parenting for parents (free) - this fall!
New Danish Parenting for self development (free) - late fall or early winter.
New Danis Parenting for Therapists and Practitioners (this one is not free) - late winter or early spring.

Especially the free ones, as you will see below, does require your commitment to learning, inner/outer curiosity and development.

New Danish Parenting (NDP) holds three principles about human beings and relationships: That children always make sense, that our outer relationships (especially in childhood) are so important to our inner relationships, our wellbeing and our understanding of ourselves throughout life, and that we, the parents, are always the responsible ones in the relationship to our children.
This calls for loving self awareness on the inside and deep sincere curiosity on the outside. This calls for a loving foundation through conscious parenting.

Through the lens of attachment, Internal Family System (IFS) and The New Child View from Denmark, NDP offers you a foundation to help you understand your children, your relationships and yourself more deeply. 

Because NDP is not just about raising children, but about human beings in inner and outer relationships, the principles can be helpful, not just in (1) parenting and understanding our children better, but also in (2) your inner healing work and self development, and (3) for Therapists and Practitioners working with human beings, it can serve as a foundation for your work in the therapeutic relationship. 

Therefore I am creating three different workshops based on the same principles (that you can read below) but adapted to fit the theme.

The three workshops are:

New Danish Parenting for Parents

New Danish Parenting for Self development 

New Danish Parenting for Therapists and Practitioners 

Click on the group title above that you’re interested in to join the facebook group, which serves as a interest list and a place to ask questions, learn more and share thoughts. Only join the parenting group if you’re a parent, only join the group for Therapists and Practitioners if you’re in this field.

The workshop sessions

All workshops will consist of 9 sessions of 1,5 hour (up to 2 hours if needed). One session for each of the nine topics that the three principles of NDP hold (see below).

Each session will include: 

Welcome and overview

A short meditation or grounding exercise  

A piece of teaching on the subject

A piece of homework (and preparation for this)

Q&A and sharing if there is time

We will meet about every three weeks. Scheduling/times will depend on the time zones of participants that join the interest list but will be Europe friendly as I am in CET. 

Important note: None of the workshops are therapy and I will not be able to help everyone individually. You are welcome to set up peer-groups (I will set up a whatsapp group for those interested) and I may be available to offer some group or individual therapy and consultation/supervision, but only have very limited availability.
You’re welcome to share and ask advise from others in the facebook groups, but again this is not therapy and I may not be able to respond to all posts or read longer descriptions.
If you need urgent help, make sure to have a therapist, practitioner, doctor, family member or helpline (depending on your need), to reach out to.


These are a free workshops (except for the one of Therapists and Practitioners). However when workshops, therapy and offers like these are free, we tend to commit a lot less to them. In human relationships and human development there need to be an exchange for there to be a real and respectful commitment. A one way relationship will run dry and not be fruitful.

Therefore to join these workshops your fee will be your commitment and preparation. 

Commitment here means choosing to show up for the sessions with the intention to learn more about yourself, your relationships and your children. Being conscious in your intention and hopes for what to get out of the workshop.
It means making the time for each session, being present and open to what may arise in you. You don’t have to agree with everything I offer. Skepticism is only healthy and it is welcome as long as it comes from a place of curiosity and a willingness to look inwards as well as out.

I offer a piece of homework between sessions that will help you bring what you learn into your life in a more concrete way, so that what the principles of NDP can become part of your foundation, not just more or less abstract ideas.

Preparation here means looking into the basics of NDP and IFS beforehand. And it means taking time to consider what is important in your relationships and self development journey; what do you want to see change, where do you want to go, what needs your curiosity (in inner and outer relationships)?

One way to do this is to read about it in my articles and/or listen to the topics on my podcast Parenting from the Inside.

On the podcast you will find three episodes on NDP, one on IFS for parents and one of Attachment for parents.

In my articles you will likewise find three articles on NDP, one of IFS for parents and one on Attachment for parents, but here you will also find many more on the specifics on IFS and more.

You find my articles on Medium here and you find them on my blog here. It’s the same articles, but as Medium (where I write my articles) has limited free access, I have added them to the blog on my website as well.

To learn more about your own inner system and about IFS in general I have put together a list of free ressources from different provides in the field of IFS therapy.

To keep updated and get inputs from me, you’re welcome to follow me on Instagram or on facebook.

If you’d like to join the interest list but are not on facebook, then simply write me and ask to be put on my interest list.

The three principles (and nine topics) of New Danish Parenting (NDP)

  • here in the original form for parents and including links to the articles and podcast episodes on the principles.

About the child: Children always make sense

1. Children are born competent and social

2. Children need to be translated

3. Meet children where they are, not (just) where we want them to go

Podcast episode, article on Medium, article on blog.

About the relationship: Relationships Matter Most

1. Equal in worth, not in power and experience

2. Set boundaries around yourself, not around the child

3. Children don’t stop loving us, they stop loving themselves

Podcast episode, article on Medium, article on blog.

About the parent: Conscious Parenting 

1. The parent is responsible for the relationship

2. Personal leadership

3. Becoming conscious on the inside

Podcast episode, article on Medium, article on blog.

Your host and guide on this journey:

Anna Vincentz is a Certified Level 3 trained IFS Therapist and a Certified Danish Family Therapist MPF, working in private practice and mostly offering therapy online to individuals, couples and parents.
Anna identifies as a neurodivergent Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and is married to Dejan, whom she met 14 years ago while hiking through Slovenia. Together they have two lovely neurodivergent children (age 13 and 10).

Learn more about Anna Vincentz here.

Here you find the interest groups on facebook:

New Danish Parenting for Parents

New Danish Parenting for Self development 

New Danish Parenting for Therapists and Practitioners