Here I offer you a list of recommendable Therapists and Practitioners
The Therapists and Practitioners on this list are individuals I have personal and professional experience with in different ways and therefore feel confident to recommend. I only recommend individuals that I myself would feel safe and happy to work with. These are individuals with curiosity, integrity and authenticity.
Click into the websites of the different Therapists/practitioners to get your own sense of them and take your time to notice if one might be the right fit for.
At the bottom of this page you find links to IFS directories where you might find a Therapist or Practitioner in your area.
IFS trained Therapists and Practitioners
Joel Bubbers is a Level 2 trained IFS Practitioner. He is trained in advanced IFIO (IFS Couples Therapist) and offers both Individual and Couples work.
You might recognise Joel from my podcast Parenting from the Inside.
Joel is located in the UK and you find him here and here.
Valerie Smith is a Level 1 trained IFS Practitioner and BACP-accredited counsellor.
Valerie is located Scotland. You can find and contact her here.
Nicole Mommsen is a Level 3 trained IFS and IFIO trained Therapist located in Germany.
You can read about Nicole and contact her here.
Kate Agel is an IFS trained Therapist located in Georgia.
You find Kate here.
Kelly Kreutz is a Certified Level 2 trained IFS Therapist and approved Consultant located in Florida.
You can find out more about Kelly and contact her here.
Other modalities
Marie-Louise Trinksys is a Danish Psychologist and Psychedelic Integration Therapist.
You find Marie-Louise here.
Nikki Nooteboom is Dutch Trauma Therapist.
You find her here and you find her excellent Training program here.
Camilla Monroe is an CI trained Therapist located in Ireland.
You find Camilla here.
Mackenzie O’Neil works with NeuroEmotional Coaching. Because she is just starting out seeing clients 1:1 for the NeuroEmotional Coaching approach, she is offering a reduced price on sessions at the moment (it’s October 2024 as I type this) of only $25 usd if you use this discount code: PILOTSESSION
You find Mackenzie here.